Tryout Registration Now Open, News (Kingston Area Minor Hockey Association)

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Apr 11, 2024 | Webmaster | 1518 views
Tryout Registration Now Open
KAMHA online Registration for tryouts is now open for U10-U16 teams.

AA Tryouts for U10 to U16 will start on April 29th, 2024 and will last about 7 days.

There will be no refunds if you decide not to attend tryouts. If you decide to attend AAA tryouts, only register for AA tryouts if you are unsuccessful in making a AAA team. We will have walk up registration on the first day of AA tryouts on April 29th.

Please note that all players will start together at the AA tryouts. All players that are released from the AA tryout will then continue the tryout process with the A teams as per the schedule (except for NRP players). For players to be considered for a spot on the A team they must attend the AA tryouts.


We will have a goalie evaluation night on May 1st for all goalies registered. This session will only be for goalies, skaters are not to attend. Goalies are expected to attend this session. Please check the tryout schedule for your age group to see time and ice pad.


Click Here to Register for Tryouts

Click Here to View the Tryout Schedule

Click Here to View the Coaches for the 2024-2025 season


Registration Information for Players who live outside KAMHA residential boundaries:

KAMHA will be accepting NRP’s (non-residential players) as per the OMHA rules (only applies to AA teams only, U12 division and up). If you are interested in trying out for our AA team and do not reside within the KAMHA boundaries, please seek an NRP Passport from your home association. This passport will need to be presented at time of registration before you can participate in our tryouts. You can still register online by Clicking Here

Meet and Greet with coaches and Walk in Registration

We will be holding a walk in registration and a meet and greet with our U10-U16 coaches on April 23rd from 6pm to 7:30pm  at the Invista Center in Meeting room C at the North side of the building.

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Pro Hockey Life
We are excited to partner with Kingston Area Minor Hockey Association for the upcoming 2024/25 hockey season, and to help support minor hockey in your community. As the world’s largest hockey-centric retailer, we look forward to sharing our knowledge and passion for the sport with your players, coaches and staff throughout the season.