Announcement - Return to play Framework, News (Kingston Area Minor Hockey Association)

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Aug 01, 2020 | Webmaster | 2378 views
Announcement - Return to play Framework
Today the OHF outlined a more detailed plan of Stage 3 within their Return to Hockey Framework. 

A full copy of the OHF Return to Hockey Framework is available on the OHF website.

Please know that any decision to return to hockey is made in accordance with the Ontario Government, KFL&A and Hockey Canada Safety Protocols. This will allow for players to return to hockey safely, when they are ready to do so.

As per the OHF document, September 1st and onward, we will be in Stage 3B of return to hockey. We have outlined some key points-of-interest for our membership for an anticipated Mid-September start date.

OHF Stage 3B - Return to hockey Framework

- Registration will commence in Late August, early September 
- No tryouts for the formation of teams
Registration is based on last year’s registered Association

- Members (OMHA) to determine approach for tiered structure based on category of participation last year
May only participate in one league/team within OHF
- Will include game play with rules that focus on removing deliberate and prolonged contact
The boundaries of the Public Health Unit (KFL&A) will be a guideline for competition between teams

There are still many questions to be answered, but we anticipate more details from OMHA and the OHF in the weeks leading up to September as this situation evolves quickly. We have been collaborating with our fellow associations C.A.L, GK AND GKGHA, to discuss with the City of Kingston about access to the facilities, dressing rooms and any other support needed to help us implement the OHF guidelines as it relates to facilities.

Please be patient and we will have more information in the weeks to come as well as an update on registration and fees.

Thank you

KAMHA executive

Pro Hockey Life
We are excited to partner with Kingston Area Minor Hockey Association for the upcoming 2024/25 hockey season, and to help support minor hockey in your community. As the world’s largest hockey-centric retailer, we look forward to sharing our knowledge and passion for the sport with your players, coaches and staff throughout the season.