End of Season, News (Kingston Area Minor Hockey Association)

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Apr 01, 2021 | Webmaster | 1652 views
End of Season
Members of the KAMHA Family:

With the news of another shutdown of team sports in the province for the month of April, the Kingston Area Minor Hockey Association Executive has made the difficult decision to end the 2020/2021 season at this time. We feel very fortunate to have participated in as much hockey as we did this year, however another four-week break leading into the Spring is the right decision to finish our season.

The 28-day lockdown would also delay the start of our Spring Hockey by at minimum, two weeks. This would delay the program completion well into June. We have decided not to run the program this year. All Spring League fees will be returned within the next two weeks to those that have signed up and paid.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the players, parents, coaches, trainers and especially our Covid-Monitors for all their help keeping our kids on the ice for as long as we did this year.   With all the restrictions and changes that we have endured we should all be very proud of the way that our community has pulled together and made hockey an outlet for our youth in these challenging times.

We will use this time to prepare for the 2021/2022 season as we hope that come the Fall we will be back to a more normal program.   KAMHA will be holding our annual AGM Virtually on May 20th, please watch website for registration information and please let us know if you are interested in volunteering with KAMHA in any capacity,

Stay safe and healthy, support local businesses and organizations, and we look forward to seeing you in the fall when programming resumes.

Steve Walker

KAMHA President

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Pro Hockey Life
We are excited to partner with Kingston Area Minor Hockey Association for the upcoming 2024/25 hockey season, and to help support minor hockey in your community. As the world’s largest hockey-centric retailer, we look forward to sharing our knowledge and passion for the sport with your players, coaches and staff throughout the season.