Roster Select - Future Canadians Program, News, House League Select (Kingston Area Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 05, 2018 | David Kerr | 2208 views
Roster Select - Future Canadians Program
We are pleased to continue to offer our Roster Select (RS) Program for Atom to Midget and our Future Canadians Program for IP and Novice.

New for 2019-20 from the OMHA 
- RS is no longer resident restricted so it is open to all children eligible by age and registered in our House League program.
- Is only allowed in divisions from Atom to Midget (Novice no longer permitted so check out our Future Canadians program if your child is Novice aged).

Roster Select Teams 
Are a team comprised of players selected (through a competitive tryout process) from our house league teams at each division.  They will compete in exhibition games and tournaments (these are arranged by the team) as per OMHA regulations, while continuing to play for their House League team.

Future Canadians IP

The Future Canadians program will offer advanced skill development and a more competitive environment for players seeking to pursue competitive hockey.  The Future Canadians program is open to both IP1 and IP2 players with players participating in both their regular IP programs and additional Future Canadians practices and cross-ice games.  There will be 36 roster spots available with try-outs held only if demand exceeds 36 skaters.

Future Canadians Tyke
The Tyke Future Canadians program will offer advanced skill development and a more competitive environment for players seeking to pursue competitive hockey.  Players participating in the Future Canadians program will play in both their regular tyke program and additional Future Canadians practices and half-ice games.  There will be 32 roster spots available with try-outs held only if demand exceeds 32 skaters.  We anticipate the Tyke Future Canadians program teams will participate in two to three 4-on-4 OMHA festivals
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