Select (Kingston Area Minor Hockey Association)


                   House League Select

The House League Select Program has been very popular with House League parents and players since its introduction and the program will continue in the 2025/26 season! In recent years KAMHA Select teams have been very successful, and we are committed to continuing this tradition.

A Select team is comprised of players selected (through a competitive tryout process) from our house league teams at each division.

Select teams have additional practice time and compete in exhibition games and tournaments (these are arranged by the team) as per OMHA regulations, while continuing to play for their House League team. Select teams are now permitted to play 4 games each month and 4 tournaments throughout the season; it is great way for players to participate in hockey that is a little more competitive than House League.

Tryouts for Select teams will be held in September.  Coaches for our Select teams will be chosen in June.  Registration for tryouts will be available in June also, once House League registration opens.

                                                          Take Note

Select is not resident restricted so it is open to all children eligible by age and registered in our House League program.

Select teams will be created in all divisions, with the exception of U6/U7.  If there is enough interest, teams will be created for a Minor Division - U16, for example.

For questions regarding House League Select please contact Kris Kehoe, VP House League

